Seminar for TeachSUS center launch in portugal
Event INFO
Date: 28 October 2020
Topic: Seminar for TeachSUS centre launch in Portugal
Organised by: Fundacao da Juventude
Participants: youngsters
Language: Portoguese
On October 28, 2020, two different classes at the Vasco Faria Skills Acquisition Center were presented with a session that included, among other topics, the main contributions of the TeachSUS project to the field of environmental sustainability. In addition, the opportunity was taken to introduce the Porto Sustainability Center.
The contents taught, although the project's contribution went further, were of an introductory nature taking into account the low level of knowledge of the session audience. Among others, the following were presented:
the concept of environmental sustainability,
the difference between this and ecology,
the main actions that an individual can undertake in their daily lives to contribute to the sustainability or future of the electric car and its environmental viability.
Centro de Aquisicao de Competencias Vasko Faria, Rua Joaquim Antonio de Aguiar, Porto