How can vocational education support the transition towards a circular economy?

Event INFO

Date: 12 November 2020

Topic: Development of professional competencies needed to ensure the ecological and digital transition

Organised by: The Timis Chamber of Commerce

Hosted by: The Timis Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture, The National Centre for Durable Production and Consumption, The West University of Timișoara

Participants: Vocational educational institutions

Language: Romanian


On November the 12th, 2020 The Timis Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture together with The National Centre for Durable Production and Consumption and The West University of Timișoara hosted the "How can vocational education support the transition towards a circular economy?" webinar.

The event was organized within the 5th edition of The European week of professional competencies 2020 initiated by The European Commission. The main topic, this year, was consistent with the EU Commission's priority regarding the development of professional competencies needed to ensure the ecological and digital transition.

The speakers referred to: Education for Zero Waste and Circular Economy (dr. Aida Szilagyi), Industrial Symbiosis Facilitator (dr. Aida Szilagyi), Western Balkan Circular and Climate Innovation Beacon (Ms. Adriana Les) and TeachSuS –Teaching and Educating for Sustainability (Prof. dr. Gabriela Mircea).


Online webinar

Event highlights


Invitation VET2020G.pdf